How Many Days in Rome: 4 Vacation Tips for Solo Travelers (2024)

rome for solo travelers

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Every country has something extraordinary to offer, but when we talk about Italy, places, archeological sites, amazing sights, people, rich history, culture, cuisine, and customs are something we can spend days just talking about. Knowing all this, it’s no wonder why Rome is such a popular tourist destination.

Understandably, in order to really have the best possible experience, it’s preferable to know certain things in advance.

There are a ton of things to do, see, and do in Rome, which is why we focused on certain tips that will grant you an amazing journey, especially if the plan is to travel alone.

Plan ahead

Traveling to Rome

Going to some romantic destination such as Rome alone can seem like a bad idea, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. There are so many things to do and so many sights to see and experience firsthand that will leave you in awe, which is why planning a trip to Rome is always a good idea.

Now, since there are so many things to do and see, it’s good to plan ahead, as you don’t want to miss on the most iconic sites and things to do just because you didn’t plan it, overlooked it, or because you haven’t booked in advance.

So, before booking a stay in this marvelous city, make sure to at least go through all the things Rome city has to offer. Excursions are also something you should check out, as just an hour or two away from Rome, there are some gorgeous sights and scenic landscapes.

By learning more about all the things this city has to offer, you will know precisely how long the vacation in Rome should last. It’s needless to say how helpful this can be, as you can plan everything ahead, and those who aren’t that familiar with Rome can also find all the important facts and a detailed guide.

For more on that, See Italy Travel.

Have some free time


One of the mistakes people usually make when traveling is overplaning or planning way too many things, and once they get to a certain destination, they don’t have a minute for other activities or even for a casual walk.

That is why, even though planning ahead is helpful, you should always leave room for having free time, as this option gives way more opportunities.

One of the best ways to really learn more about some place, regardless of what destination we are talking about, is by talking with locals and learning more about where they tend to go in their free time and what places they adore spending time at.

The old saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” probably best describes how tourists should act once they get here. Traveling solo shouldn’t be an issue because Rome has so many things to offer to everyone, and the locals are so kind that everyone will feel like they belong here.

On a plus note, you might even have a much better time here alone, as you will be more willing and open to speak to locals, and due to the friendliness of the people living here, having a blast is simply granted.

All these things speak volumes about why it’s important to visit Rome at least once in your life, regardless of whether you do so alone or with someone. But, be warned, as once people travel to Rome, they tend to come back at least once more.

Check out less famous sights

Garbatella Rome

When someone mentions Rome, some of our instant thoughts are about Vatican City, Vatican museums, Colosseum, the Trevi fountain, etc., but Rome is much more than just that. Yes, these places are some of the most iconic, and visiting them should be on everyone’s list, but that doesn’t mean one should stick to just that.

Rome is famous for its restaurants, and we all know how great the Italian cuisine is. Coffee is another thing you will fall in love with, even if you are not that fond of it. Make sure to try traditional dishes and customs, as it is the only way to truly understand this city and its people.

Another thing that we highly recommend is to check out museums, theatres, and even restaurants that aren’t that famous. Besides being less crowded, visiting these places will enrich you in every possible aspect, as these sights are also a great way to learn more about Rome and Italy.

Going to less famous neighborhoods should also be on your list, as visiting Garbatella and checking out octagonal houses or going to the Riserva Monte Mario for a walk is an experience that you cannot find at those tourist hubs.

Sometimes, the best thing about some famous sight or city is those lesser-known places, and above all, by checking out these sights, you will get an experience that not every tourist can brag about.

Is Rome safe?

Enjoying time in Rome

Of course, all of the things mentioned above are only possible if you feel safe, and sometimes, traveling solo can seem a bit risky. Now, we are not saying there will not be some people seeking tourists to scam them, but in essence, Rome is a highly safe city for tourists.

Another aspect we must mention is traveling solo, but safety concerns here should not represent any kind of obstacle. The best advice here is to behave as you would in any other city, even the one you live in. Using common sense is the best advice.

Cash-wise, make sure to have cash on you but not too much, and the phone being fully charged is a must. Besides these safety tips, avoid drinking too much, and even if one gets carried away, then make sure to avoid walks by the rivers.

Having the phone numbers and knowing how to get a Taxi or Uber in areas with no public transportation also represent things that will increase safety.

These are some genuine advice for solo travelers, but in essence, just using common sense and behaving as you would in any other situation will make your trip to Rome a kind experience.

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